Your brand is your most valuable asset.

Oscar Wilde said “Be yourself because everyone else is taken”.
Great story telling and a distinctive visual identity are key to building a loved brand.
The relentless battle to be better will only make your business another competitor in that race to the bottom.
Being different will appeal to your tribe and make you an industry leader with no competitors at all.

Be bold. Be different.

What we do
Brand architecture
& language

People buy from brands they trust. When you talk their language, you start to earn their trust.

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& content

Your brand and advertising content needs to be a consistent and accurate representation of who you are; one that appeals to your ideal buyer.

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& comms

Build the brand then tell the people. However, creative without strategy is art; creative with strategy is advertising.

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Who we are

Our people

We are a collective of creative and strategic marketing professionals led by Elastic Brand’s founder, Richard Miller.
Our structure is flexible (hence the name!) meaning you are always guaranteed to get the best suited and highly skilled person working closely with you on any project.

Why us?

Would being in business and making money be easier if you didn’t have any competitors?

Profit margins would increase, you wouldn’t need to discount and you would be selling to people that genuinely engage with your product and brand, right?

That’s what we can do for your business.

How we do it

We challenge normal thinking and focus on outcomes to make your business stand out so far from the pack, it effectively has no competitors.

Based on our proprietary BrandArc® 9 Step Brand Builder, we take a collaborative approach, ask meaningful questions and dig deep to find the uniqueness in your brand.

Then we write language, create content and strategically plan ‘go to market’ communications with a focus on efficient and effective results.

What we deliver

Innovative brand architecture and language, creative design and content, strategic marketing management and communication planning. Download the “The 9 Step Brand Builder” HERE

The ‘9 Step Brand Builder’

Based on decades of business and marketing experience, this ultimate ‘guide to building brands’ contains all the tools you will need to write your own architecture, language and strategy.

Applying the ‘5 Whys’ method and in easy-to-follow guided steps, we will show you how to:

Summarise the past and strategise the future – The Foundation

Define your audience and unique key selling points – The Framework

Craft engaging language and marketing messages – The Face

Build a targeted and efficient marketing strategy – The Brand Consumer Journey

The 9 Step Brand Builder – an Introduction to the BrandArc®: it could help turn your business into a multimillion-dollar competition-crushing brand.